STEM PREP (STEM Pre-Research Exploration Programs)

(Students can participate in STEM PREP only one semester)

The STEM PREP program allows participants who are Freshmen second-semester or Sophomores first- or second-semester to participate in research activities that prepare them to enter the Undergraduate Research Scholars (URS) program, which they can apply for the next semester. STEM PREP allows the student to:

  1. Explore research opportunities and identify a research mentor and project for the URS program for the next semester  
  2. Receive training in areas, such as lab safety, effective record keeping, and basic research techniques and methods to be used in the URS program.

NM AMP has a new STEM research focus of either climate, sustainability, and/or resilience for students to integrate into their research interests. This new focus will begin in the Spring semester of 2025. This change in focus will further promote student engagement and encourage interdisciplinary research in STEM.

STEM PREP students will locate a mentor with whom to work during the next semester when they transition to URS. Here are a few examples of types of research integration in natural and/or built environments:

  • Adaptive infrastructure
  • Sustainable water systems
  • Resilient food systems (such as indoor vertical farming)
  • Healthy ecosystems (such as bioremediation for uranium mining on tribal lands )
  • Community health and vitality (such as the study of post-fire lung cancer)
  • Energy topics (such as renewable energy; reflective paint that reduces heating costs) 

** With the help of the STEM PREP Coordinator, students will be assisted to locate a faculty member who is willing to mentor a student’s project that can integrate either resilience, sustainability, and/or climate.


Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Any student (4-year institution) majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM)  is eligible to apply. Further qualifications include:

  • U.S. citizenship or permanent resident per NSF guidelines
  • Full-time enrollment in a STEM discipline
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
  • A strong interest in and potential for graduate studies is also considered



STEM PREP program applications for Fall 2025 close on TBD.

Complete the Fall 2025 STEM PREP program application by clicking here: APPLY